
We make a living by what we get, But we make a life by what we give.

Our Aims And Missions

When disaster strikes, there are any number of organizations that are available to help those in need. The American Red Cross, The Salvation Army, and more are able to help families who have been victims of hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters. Unfortunately, the assistance that these agencies provide, while wonderful, is not comprehensive. These organizations provide remarkable services such as temporary housing, clothing, furniture, and more. But for a homeowner who has lost everything, that assistance will never be enough. Anyone who has been through a tragedy such as this knows well that home insurance is simply insufficient to successfully repair the damage these disasters can cause.

Here at WeCareNow.org our goal is to pick up where the other assistance ends. We utilize donations from contractors, home outfitting stores, and more, along with the imperative volunteer support that we are blessed to receive. Through these means, we make sure that these families are able to literally rebuild their home and their lives.

For individuals living on a fixed income, unable to work, or struggling to be the sole provider for their family, a natural disaster can make their entire lives seem to have disappeared. While we cannot replace pictures and other special mementos of their lives, we are able to give those to whom tragedy has struck hope for the future. A rebuilt home to house their new pictures, a kitchen table around which to create new memories, and most of all the understanding that when tragedy strikes, there are those who care.

Please, if you or someone you know wants to volunteer to help rebuild homes of disaster victims in Florida, Hurricane, Bahamas, Abaco and Dorian or donate any of a wide variety of home equipment and construction equipment, please visit our How You Can Help page and get involved today or click on the button below.

become a volunteer

Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more. we are committed to providing the best through your support

Disaster Relief


Health And Safety Training & Education

At We Care Now we try to place our volunteers where their skill set or training is. Sometimes, honestly, we fall short in many ways. Not enough supplies, not enough restrooms, not enough skilled volunteers. Either way, I want to assure we look after each and every person that comes thru our doors or attend any one of our events. This is why your donations are so important because not everyone has a heart for those in need, occasionally we have to pay for services. While money is created from trees. We need more donors to step up to make sure we have the resources to ensure everyone is trained at their prospective task with We Care Now.


Is WE CARE NOW a tax exempt organization?

Yes. We Care Now Corporation is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Licensed and registered with all authorized authorities. So be rest assured that all donations are tax deductible in full or in part.

But, don’t take our word for it, here from the picture logo is one of the resources that can help you determine if in fact we or any other organization is Tax exempt.

Where are my donations going?

Your donation will go where it is needed at the time unless specified by the donor.

We Care Now is committed to making that change we want to see in the world, with that said we will not and do not take any salary until we have a revenue of over $250,000. After which the chart here explains.

do you have a question or want to know more about us?

Join our list today by filling in our form and drop your message/questions you have for us

We shall get back to you before 24 hours

“Every charitable act is a stepping stone toward heaven.” “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” “Charity is a supreme virtue, and the great channel through which the mercy of God is passed on to mankind.


Roddrick E Duncanson Sr (president)

put smiles on the face of the less privileged

“People are likely to live up to what you believe of them.”

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